BCM325 Pitch

For BCM325 Future cultures we were tasked with creating a digital artefact with the goal to limit the global increase in average temperature 1.5-degree Celsius by cutting more than 50% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reaching zero net emissions by 2050.

My mind immediately went to the copious amounts of emissions and wasted energy that is found in most major sporting associations around the world.
In the major sporting league’s (NBA,NFL,MLB, Premier League Football etc.) each team has a private plane that takes the team across the country or the globe, every single week.
NBA teams travel 1.3 million air miles in a regular season. This equates to 31,842 metric tonnes of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, equating to the environmental impact of 7000 passenger vehicles running for a year(Weatherall, 2022).

These issues aren’t found solely in teams that use planes to transports their players and staff.
In the Formula 1 racing in 2019, their estimated footprint was 256 551 tonnes, with 45% of that stemming from logistics of shipping cars and equipment via plane, boat or on the road (Gallagher 2019).

For a previous task I had started a podcast based around sports, so I will be looking to use that space to present my research and findings.
People who tune into the podcast will find a new sport being discussed each week; I will evaluate the sport’s current decarbonisation efforts outlining areas they need improvement as well as where they shine.
I will aim to provide recommendations on how each sport’s governing bodies should tackle their issues and the individuals responsible for policies within the company.

I plan to expand out of just the podcast media space and into TikTok.
I will take feedback from people I show the episodes to on which parts were the most interesting or jarring and post them on TikTok.

To assist in time management and scheduling I have created a weekly action plan.

Week 4

As I have unfortunately been a week late with recording my pitch I start at week 4 with uploading the assignment.

Week 5

Decide which sports I will focus on each week, as well as the main policies and issues surrounding their decarbonisation efforts. This will assist me as I reach each week’s research as I will already have a plan of what I need to focus on.

Week 6

Look to finalise the format and structure of the podcast, as well as record a prototype podcast.
Based on the reaction of people I show the episode to I will either upload it as episode 1, or re-record with changes.

Week 7

Begin uploading TikTok clips and exploring that medium.

Week 8

Interview with an owner of a sports team. Only credentials will be the team has to travel more than an hour.

Week 9/10

Reviewing feedback from the previous podcasts and TikTok clips, and adjust accordingly.

Week 11

Final episode including a summary of all my findings and any trends between sports and their ownerships.

Week 12

Focus on finalising and uploading tiktok clips, assessing the differences between the 2 mediums of TikTok and the podcast space.

Week 13

Finalise all work to be submitted.


Gallagher, M. (2019). Formula 1’s Carbon Challenge | Mark Gallagher Blog. [online] Mark Gallagher. Available at: https://www.mark-gallagher.com/formula-1s-carbon-challenge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=formula-1s-carbon-challenge [Accessed 14 Mar. 2023].

Our World in Data. (2020). Climate change and flying: what share of global CO2 emissions come from aviation? [online] Available at: https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions-from-aviation [Accessed 14 Mar. 2023].

Weatherall, M. (2022). Sport and the Environment: How the NBA is doing their part for the planet – Catalyst. [online] Catalystmcgill.com. Available at: https://catalystmcgill.com/sport-and-the-environment-how-the-nba-is-doing-their-part-for-the-planet/#:~:text=The%20NBA%20is%20by%20no,vehicles%20running%20for%20a%20year. [Accessed 14 Mar. 2023].

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